More than 30 years of experience!
Czechmont s.r.o. was founded on March 24, 1992 by three Czech partners. It gradually expanded its production program to its current form, where transformers and mains voltage sources up to 1.2 kVA are manufactured in both single-phase and three-phase versions.
The company also produces electro-induction coils of various types according to the wishes of individual customers. To ensure the possibility of deliveries to the American and Canadian markets, we are the owners of UL certification for 1-phase transformers, 1-phase DC voltage sources and toroidal transformers.
In 1997, the entire company moved to a restored building in Vejprnice. This area fully meets the needs of the company and allows for continued expansion of production.
The distance of 3 km from Pilsen, connections by city transport, train connections and ČSAD buses ensure a sufficient source of labor. Pilsen (the industrial and educational center of West Bohemia) provides the company with both technical and scientific activities in all necessary areas.
We are a long-term holder of the quality system certificate according to ISO 9001-2015.
The main production content of the company
• production of mains voltage sources
• production of transformers
• production of electro-induction coils